What you need to make money online.

Introducing OMB Income Builder.

What you need to make money online. To Make Money Online you need to place your content next to adverts that can make Money FOR YOU. On many social media platforms, your content is placed next to ads that make money for the platform provider not you, essentially you DO NOT share in the revenue your content is creating. You essentially become an unpaid employee of Facebook, twitter, or linked in, take your pick. That is not to say these platforms should not be used, but there is a better way, create content first on a platform like OMB then simply share links to it from your favourite social media platform, this way when you drive traffic to your OMB pages, they could be making you money. Even if just a percentage of your Facebook or twitter followers click your links and engage with your content, you are receiving some value for it. OMB Income Builder is easy to use, you don't need any web programming skills, just the ability to fill in a simple form which then creates your page. We are here to support you all the way and can configure your pages for certain target readers, that is essentially the reason you pay for the service, but your costs are fixed, and you can expect to get value from it as merchants, and OMB only succeed if you succeed.

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